Rome-Israel-Paris 2019
Our Trip to Israel Stopping by Rome and after in Paris.
The videos are in 360.
If you watch with a phone and a VR goggle set, you may feel inside the trip, when you move your head, you can see in every direction.
If you watch with iPads, you can move them around to see in every direction.
If you watch on your computer, you can drag the movie with your mouse to move the point of view.
Increase the resolution of the video
On the settings of the video (the little gear symbol) change the resolutions of the video to the maximum, maybe as low as 1440., lower than that the video is blurry
The videos are not super great, but is a nice memory we have.
We hope you enjoy them
1st Night in Rome
So here we start, we made it to Rome.
And off we go walking non stop for the next 2 weeks.
2nd Day in Rome
Try watching the videos in different directions every time, I have added videos and photos inside most of them.
3rd Day in Rome
You can find inside the St. Peters Basilica, I inserted 2 photos to show where you can find Jehovah's name in Hebrew
and one inside the Vatican.
We made it to Israel - 2nd Day in Israel
After the arrival date, the next morning we went to Mount Carmel, then Megiddo, then the place where Gideon chose the 300.
We ended that day in Old Nazareth, walking all the way to the synagogue where Jesus read the scroll of Isaiah.
3rd Day in Israel
The day we drive to Israel, we stopped by Caesarea but really late, so we came back.
This day I divided in shorter videos, takes too long to to watch all in a single here they are.
These videos are very large files, it takes a long time to edit and process, I'll be posting there rest of the trip soon.
To better enjoy this video you need a VR headset to get a better view and better experience the trip.
A simple one like this one to use with your phone